
Tuesday, February 21, 2012

The Most Watched Sporting Event in the World?

The Superbowl may be the most watched sporting event in the world, but I can now tell you that the people of Cartagena are not helping with that number.  Not only did I have a softball game scheduled during the same time as the game, but when talking to people about the upcoming game I got a lot of blank stares.  I did talk to one local cab driver, who I am proud to call my friend, who actually was actually enthusiastically talking about watching the game and claiming he was a big fan of the Patriots.  He did however later ask me who was playing in the game and when I responded, “the Giants and the Patriots,” he was very surprised to find out that his ‘favorite team‘ was playing.  So I learned from this short chat that in order to be considered a huge fan of a football team here in La Boquilla all you have to do is actually know the name of a team.
I on the other hand left my softball game early due to a “reunion I had with other volunteers” and caught a bus to a bar.  This bar was conveniently located in a mall and even served more than the typical three beers of the coast: Aguila, Club Colombia, and CosteƱitas.  I was running a bit late because of the softball game, but nonetheless  welcomed by the whole Cartagena crew.  Together we caught up on how our first week of school was and tried to pay attention to the game.  The next day my friend, the ‘Patriots fan,’ asked me who won the game.  When I responded the Giants he appeared upset, but really how upset can you be when you chose to watch, La Mariposa, a telenovela over your favorite team play in the most watched sporting event in the world. 
Observation:  I am sure that the big companies are not dishing out 1 million plus for commercial spots for the Superbowl here in Colombia as the commercials were just everyday boring commercials.  Were there any good commercials I need to YouTube and which company had the best this year?  
Also don’t forget that if there is anything you want to know about my life or La Boquilla/Cartagena just shoot me an email or comment on the blog and I will be sure to include the topic in my next post.   


  1. If I may say so, you are wrong. FIFA World Cup final is the most watched sporting event in the world.

  2. I should have been more specific, I was talking about this year.

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