
Wednesday, October 12, 2011

LMFAO says it best.... Im in Miami B****

The day started early as I had a 6:10 flight from BWI.  After landing in Miami and waiting in the humidity for 20 minutes the hotel shuttle finally came and I got some much needed help loading all of my stuff onto the tiny bus (I may have packed a bit over 80 pounds).  After I arrived at the hotel all was well and I took a much needed shower and a power nap.  I awoke to my roommate knocking on the door and the rest of this story is going to sound like it is straight out of a movie.  Firstly, his name is also Mike and he lived in DC for five years, but not only do we share a name and city, but he studied abroad in Chile as well.  So Mike and I grabbed some lunch and headed to what would be a six hour 'staging event'.  The eeriness continues as I soon meet a man older than myself, around my brothers age, named Adam.  It just so happens that he was born and raised in none other than..... Takoma Park!    

I soon meet all of the other members of out group (23 people in total) and realized how diverse our group is in both terms of age and hometowns.  There are three of us who just graduated from collage and the rest range from finishing Collage in '10 to people perusing their PHDs and an older woman who has taught english almost everywhere in the world. Additionally the group has three people who have taught english in Korea.
In regards to Hometowns the group ranges from a graduate of the University of Hawaii to someone who lives 10 minutes from the hotel and drove in today.  Needless to say I am very excited to get to know these people and arrive in Colombia.
On a side note the Peace Corps loves acronyms so today I learned about a dozen: PCT (Peace Corps Trainee), PCV (Peace Corps Volunteer), RPCV (returned Peace Corps volunteer), STD....well not that one, but you get the point.
Love and Peace from the Miami international Airport


  1. Hey Michael, Hope this will finally work. Let me know. Gr8 skyping w u. I really miss you, but am so proud of you. It sounds like everyday is an adventure already! Lena wants to know how you're doing! She and Kunu are getting along famously. I'm going to walk them both now:-) xo
