
Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Feelin' Good About Ourselves Now

More girls showed up today for a pretty sweet workshop on self-esteem and an exquisite Macarena lesson.  After defining self-esteem, the girls were handed a sheet of paper as we came by and taped the paper to their backs (see picture).  They were then instructed to go around the room and write positive/encouraging comments on each others backs.  Finally, in true Peace Corps fashion we processed how we felt after reading the endearing comments.  Then it was off the the beach for some softball.  Egg toss was brought back by popular demand in addition to throwing relays and the always funny dizzy bat relay--the girls ran to a baseball bat and then spun around three times before wobbling back to tag their teammate.

Dance of the Day: The Macarena

Quote of the day: I was trying to get a group of girls to start the next activity as a sassy fourth grader told me, "Leave me here and let me finish my ice pop"

Some of the girls participating in the self-esteem building activity



  1. Love the dance of the day and have been doing each one so I can feel like I'm there in sunny Colombia!! Sounds like you're doing a fine job by these chicas. Buena suerte mañana!!
